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The Tapadero’s and the Barn Swallow

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Order Tapedero's and the Barn Swallow

Size - 19 x 29 ½

Image Size - 19 x 29 ½
Stretched Canvas Size - 19 x 29 ½ x 1
1" stretcher frames are used
Edition 50 signed & numbered | 10 artist's proof's

Paper Size - 25 x 36 ½
Image Size - 19 x 29 ½
Edition 50 signed & numbered | 10 artist's proof's

More Information

Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica)

While thinking of areas to visit in search for reference, I came across some information on the Kay-El-Bar Dude Ranch near Wickenburg, Arizona. I called them, saying that I’d like to visit the ranch to see if I might be able to find some potential subject matter for my artwork and they were more than receptive. During my tour of the Kay-El-Bar, I noticed a pair of old stirrups, hanging by a thin silver concho belt under the eave of an old a shed, the stirrups were covered by some very old, weathered, leather pieces that seemed to have some unique qualities ….and when I asked what the leather pieces were, I was told that they were “Tapadero’s” and that their purpose was to protect the cowboy’s feet and boots when they are riding through the desert. The southwest desert is filled with thorny trees, bushes and various cacti that can easily penetrate a cowboy’s boots….Tapadero’s originated in Mexico where the riders don’t wear the same high heeled boots as they do in the states and not only would they protect their feet, but they would keep them in the stirrups as well. I liked that they were different, possessing wonderful shape(s), various surfaces and textures, and at that moment they had wonderful lighting…they seemed to have all of the ingredients for a unique wildlife painting, one that would hold my interest and passion over the length of the process.…

FYI – This painting is featured in the “Work-In-Progress” section of this website, where you can follow along on how it was accomplished, step by step, from photo reference to the final painting, as it is shown.